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Artist: Olena Morozova
Year: 2019-2022
Country: Ukraine
Video Duration

Video duration: 01:56

I started researching the problem of dementia when my grandmother was diagnosed with it. We talked about her illness so that she does not lose touch with reality. I also involved my children in this process, which was very helpful. Glimpses of her complex and interesting character are like pearls that you acquire through the hard work of constant communication. These moments are dear to our hearts, the chronicle of the struggle against „the darkness” and visions from a past life: military childhood, interesting youth, medical practice in the cruel inhuman conditions of the Russian hinterland, are the essence of the project, which has become more than a project for me.

Olena Morozova is the shortlisted photographer of the EU Neighbours East - Fotofestiwal photo contest - Family Connections. The gala awards event in Tbilisi was organized in partnership with the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia and the Tbilisi Photography and Multimedia Museum.

Tbilisi Photography & Multimedia Museum

Stamba Hotel
14, M. Kostava St. Tbilisi 0108, Georgia
+995 595 09 13 03

For Visitors

Monday-Friday 12.00-19.00 Weekends 14.00-20.00 Free entrance

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