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We Drink Water From The Same River

ავტორი: სოფია მელიკოვა
წელი: 2021
ქვეყანა: აზერბაიჯანი
Video Duration

ვიდეოს ხანგრძლივობა: 09:02

A long sleeping wind turns into a hurricane, a long suppressed light becomes a flaming fire.
By imposing labels and limiting a person in the manifestation of his/her inner essence, the natural order of life is being violated. Each of us, following our true origins, plays a certain assigned role in the great creation plan.
The film is based on my dreams and envisionings - spatiotemporal dimensions, where I can allow myself to come into contact with my "darkness" and be filled with the spiritual wisdom and ancient Tsakhur rituals of women of my family, passed over from generation to generation.

The project was produced in the frame of the Online Art Residency Accompanied by a Long-term Mentorship Program & Production Grant for South Caucasian Women Photographers for the Year 4 of MagiC Carpets April-September 2021.

Mentored by Newsha Tavakolian/Magnum Photos.

The program supports the South Caucasian women photographers and visual artists to produce stories covering different issues in the region. 

The program was implemented by Tbilisi Photo Festival in a partnership with Tbilisi Photography & Multimedia Museum funded by MagiC Carpets, a Creative Europe Platform.


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სასტუმრო „სტამბა„
მ. კოსტავას ქ. 14 თბილისი, 0108 საქართველო
+995 595 09 13 03


ორშაბათი-პარასკევი 12.00-19.00 შაბათი-კვირა 14.00-20.00 დასწრება თავისუფალია

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