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Breaking The Day

ავტორი: მარიამ ამურველაშვილი
წელი: 2021
ქვეყანა: საქართველო
Video Duration

ვიდეოს ხანგრძლივობა: 04:05

Isolation and loneliness, in fact, these feelings also persist this year. No one knows what kind of impact will fear, panic, hopelessness, and uncertainty have on our inner peace and our future. This series is a reflection of these feelings. You can be alone anywhere in the world and loneliness can arise even in a room full of people. In this particular instance, the room is my town, my house, my room .Places  share my feeling of loneliness, and the people that live here are like ghosts, who have lost contact with the outside world. It seems like everything is finding its way inside our deepest places and humans are merged with the city to create one big organism because there is nowhere else to go or run. When action is limited, thinking, recalling, observing nature and self-reflecting becomes a tied process, in which the time doesn’t have big importance, but the place where we are is essential. This is not just a city or a house or a room, this is a big energy field with people closed up in themselves , a big scene, where the invisible contact of humans and objects acquires special emotionality, where there is no need to control feelings and we get closer to our inner selves.

The project was produced in the frame of the Online Art Residency Accompanied by a Long-term Mentorship Program & Production Grant for South Caucasian Women Photographers for the Year 4 of MagiC Carpets April-September 2021.

Mentored by Newsha Tavakolian/Magnum Photos.

The program supports the South Caucasian women photographers and visual artists to produce stories covering different issues in the region. 

The program was implemented by Tbilisi Photo Festival in a partnership with Tbilisi Photography & Multimedia Museum funded by MagiC Carpets, a Creative Europe Platform.

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მ. კოსტავას ქ. 14 თბილისი, 0108 საქართველო
+995 595 09 13 03


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