The Lost Residents
მერელ გალესტიან
წელი: 2017-2020
ქვეყანა: ჰოლანდია
ვიდეოს ხანგრძლივობა: 03:53
The Armenian Genocide was only a hundred years ago. The truth was kept hidden, and people are still denying it. The existence of many families has erased. Millions of Armenians who did not have a chance to flee came to the end of their lives on a brutal way. The residents are lost, and Armenia will never be the way it was. The history of the holocaust and the diaspora cannot be erased. The cultural trauma is still passed down from generation to generation. Armenians have spread all over the world like snowflakes. The origin of Armenia is a mystery for this generation. Where are your roots if you were born in another country? With the photo series The Lost Residents, Merel Galestian is searching for the original culture of the country of her ancestors.
საავტორო უფლებების შესახებ:
© Merel Galestian