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Announcing Prince Claus Fund Partnership Network Grant Program 2020 - How Technology is Improving Women's Lives

Five international female photographers have been selected for the first edition of  Prince Claus Fund within the Partnership Network Grant Program that will be mentored by an award-winning documentary photographer - Rena Effendi
The grant program supports female photographers to produce photo stories on the topic of  technology and how it improves or changes women’s lives.
Each selected photographer will work individually with a mentor in one hour monthly online sessions for a period of four months to cover topics ranging from project writing and planning to image editing.
Prince Claus Fund has awarded the  Tbilisi Photo Festival and  Tbilisi Photography & Multimedia Museum with the Partnership Network Grant for a three-year period (2020-2023). A significant portion of this grant will be applied to strengthen the work of female photographers from around the world.
The grantees for 2020 are:

Irina Unruh (Kyrgyzstan)
Maria Zhi (Russia)
Kristina Sergeeva (Russia)
Ozge Sebzeci (Turkey)
Ira Lupu (Ukraine)
The 2020 edition of the grant was open to female photographers from sixteen different countries. It is designed to support the grantees in the development of long term personal projects which are related to countries they come from. Slideshows will be produced out of the projects that the grantees realised in the frame of the mentoring program and be uploaded on TPMM’s online platform  i-mediatheque
Prince Claus Fund Partnership Network Grant program is curated by Justyna Mielnikiewicz /  MAPS.   
პროგრამის ხანგრძლივობა
4 months
ივლისი 30. 2020 - ოქტომბერი 30. 2020

თბილისის ფოტოგრაფიისა და მულტიმედიის მუზეუმი

სასტუმრო „სტამბა„
მ. კოსტავას ქ. 14 თბილისი, 0108 საქართველო
+995 595 09 13 03


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